inspired by three hyper-verbal, amusing children

Monday, April 30, 2012

Someone get the door

*Ding dong* NanaCuckoo's doorbell rang as the kids played.

FairyPrincess: "Nana, you have a customer!"

TerrorInTraining: "Customer's here!"

Thursday, April 26, 2012

NanaCuckoo:  what would you like for dinner

Fairy Princess: Girl sandwiches

NanaCuckoo: what is girl sandwich

Fairy Princess: It is really good for a healthy body

NanaCuckoo: Ya but what makes it a girl sandwich

Fairy Princess:  You cook it!

NanaCuckoo and the Lady who was walking with us:  OH GRILLED SANDWICH!!!

3 y/o take on getting older

FairyPrincess: "When we grow up, we get to kiss people."

Yep, FP, 'round about 30 y/o you'll be allowed to make-out with the person of your choosing.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Ou est ma couche-culotte?

I was gone for the weekend for work. Here is a nugget relayed to me by Daddy.

 TerrorInTraining, very naked: "Where is my diaper?"

 Daddy, a bit perplexed: "I don't know, bud. Where did you put your diaper?"

 TerrorInTraining: "I don't know. FairyPrincess took it!"

 Daddy, still perplexed: "FairyPrincess, why did you take his diaper off?"

 FairyPrincess: "I was helping him. He had to go potty."

 Daddy, now in semi-alarmed state: "Did he go potty? Where?"

 FairyPrincess, in her best 'duh' demeanor: "On the potty."

And he actually had. Apparently FairyPrincess is going to potty train TerrorInTraining for us. I sure hope so since it's a task I plan to tackle next week.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Facial hair

FairyPrincess: "Daddy has moose-stubble."

-Any facial hair on Daddy is just called stubble by the kids. Apparently Evie heard the word mustache and translated it as moose-stubble.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Last night I decided to take the kids on a 10-mile bike ride. So here I am, not having ridden in years, pulling 90 lbs of dead and trailer, trying to get up these huge hills/bridges (mistake?). We're slowing down the higher up the hill we get.

FairyPrincess: "Mom, are you running out of power?"

Me: *grunt* "Yes" *grunt*

FairyPrincess: "It's ok. Keep going!"

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dinner Commentary

Upon walking into the house after coming home from preschool, FairyPrincess declared:

"UGH! This dinner stinks!"

Thanks kid, too bad you're still going to have to eat it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Not a quote, but an action report

Action Report:

I like to sleep on my back. I even sometimes sleep with my hands on my chest or abdomen. Last night I fell asleep in TerrorInTraining's room. When I woke up I discovered he had tucked a sword under an arm and laid his Captain America shield over my hands.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Voices

FairyPrincess: "Owe owe! The voices are all gone!" (said as she clutched her ear and cried)

Someone's at the doctor getting checked for an ear infection.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


FairyPrincess: "Mom, want to see my dance for school? It's Uncle Jackson!"

*proceeds to show me something Thriller-esque*